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Investing In Yourself
– A reflection on leadership.
I’m loving everything about leadership spaces, forums and learnings at the moment. The last few years of investing in myself has impacted both personal and professional aspects of my life profoundly.
It’s been a difficult 12 months but at the end of the day, we’re stronger and more resilient than ever. No one is perfect, well never be perfect, but everyone has something unique.
Emotions are cool again, and it goes way beyond “vulnerability” and talking about weaknesses.
As role models, leaders, in general life and as business owners, we have the ability and opportunity to normalise errors and therefore normalise emotion to achieve positive results within our associated groups, teams, networks, and environments.
Leadership development doesn’t happen overnight though. You don’t become a leader after reading a few books or listening to a few podcasts. There is a definite science as well as an art to it all. You can always be better, and you should always aim to be better.
It’s not until you surround yourself with brilliant leaders, and immerse yourself in understanding everything about YOU before you can even attempt to navigate, understand and support others.
It can be uncomfortable, confronting, and sometimes even painful, as well as comforting, enlightening, encouraging, and exciting all at the same time.
Until you’ve felt the effects of the most incredible leadership through the depths of your own being will you ever truly understand the powerful and potential impact that your words and actions can have, and the enormous responsibilities that go hand-in-hand with this.
I like this one. It’s a mash up of many great leadership quotes about shoes, which relates to empathy and identity.
“To learn about and truly understand someone, you need to be able to walk in their shoes, BUT, you cannot walk in their shoes until you learn first how to take off your own.”
Over many years, I’ve personally and professionally invested a significant portion of time, money and CPD allocation to workshops, events, courses and discussions centred around “Business Excellence & Leadership”. I’ve sat in forums with some of our nations best in allied health, business and leadership – an honour and privilege to be surrounded by strong support and influence.
They say great leaders create more leaders. They do this by passing on the tools, skills and knowledge they have acquired through many years of dedicated involvement and investment of their own. Save yourself some time!
The biggest thing for me has been that you don’t always know what you don’t know.
It’s not until you unpack your character and realise that the things you see looking back at you in the mirror can be either be blinding or reflective of how you see yourself, how others see you, and/or how you wish to be viewed or seen.
In the last few years, along with following and surrounding myself with great mentors and leaders, I’ve experienced the full range of what GrowthRx has had to offer from Employment Workshops, Business Summits, Leadership Workshops, Good To Great In Practice, 1:1 mentoring by Allied Health Leaders, and all associated resources and tools.
It’s all just the beginning of scratching the surface, and I HIGHLY recommend that if you haven’t invested in your leadership up until now, you haven’t truly afforded yourself the chance to understand and grow.
The real beauty is that this awareness, higher thought and action has not all been of my own. I needed direction. I needed great leaders.
I am now very grateful to be learning how to untie my own laces, and look forward to unlocking more potential for the future. The GRx Leadership Rising-Star program has been a game changer for me.

Director at Osteo Sports Network & Central Mallee Osteopathy